Service Capabilities
Bowman Ecker is a commercial tenant representation company focused on helping clients manage the performance of real estate assets. Our strategic advisory and transaction services will streamline real estate management processes, reduce operating expenses, mitigate risk factors, and improve lease flexibility and leverage. We work with clients in making and implementing real estate decisions that best meet their specific business objectives. We dive deep to understand and analyze the essential principles, strategic plans, budgets, work habits, space allocations of a business and look outside to analogous models, situations and inspirations. This information, together with a thorough understanding of a company's growth plans, its brand, its culture, and its environment, allows Bowman Ecker to deliver long-term, sustainable solutions that save money and improve productivity.
Real Estate Strategy and Consulting Services
Bowman Ecker provides strategy consulting services for overall management of the corporate real estate function and for specific corporate initiatives. Our principals have worked with over 100 Fortune sized companies to implement processes and procedures that reduce operating cost, mitigate corporate risk, improve performance and ensure regulatory compliance. We work closely with growth mode companies to establish the real estate function and implement short and long term strategies for managing leased and owned properties.
Market Research + Site Selection
Bowman Ecker has an in-house team of research professionals with access to extensive market data in every major market in North America. We subscribe to real estate and demographics databases that are up to date with property data, comparables data for leases and building sales, tenant and competitor data, space vacancy and availability.
Our researchers assist with site selection strategies and provide detailed information on available concessions and tax incentives as well as economic development opportunities.
Real Estate Performance Management Services
Bowman Ecker provides Performance Management services to ensure that each leased and owned property continues to support long and short term corporate real estate objectives. For each property, we provide an annual review and analysis of market conditions, operating expense efficiency, rent liability, option flexibility, and space usage. Our analysis will support decisions to renegotiate, relocate, renew or terminate a lease. We evaluate space standards, densities and space costs per employee to develop strategies to improve space utilization.
Real Estate Automation and Lease Administration
The principals of Bowman Ecker have been retained by more than 100 Fortune sized companies to automate their real estate departments. We will identify data requirements, develop a needs analysis, select lease administration software, abstract and input lease data, and manage the integration of the database with other real estate related applications.
We also have the resources and expertise to manage the lease administration database for our clients on an outsource basis.
Tenant-Based Transaction Services
Bowman Ecker is committed to representing the interests of Tenants Only (no landlords), eliminating any conflict of interest in our services. We provide extensive tranasaction and negotiation services for tenants throughout North America utilizing a strategic, process driven approach to relocations, renewals and renegotiations. Bowman Ecker offers acquisition, disposition, development, build-to-suit, and sale - leaseback services. We manage all steps of the transaction process through construction and occupancy. We remain in contact with our clients through out the term of lease or asset ownership.
Due Diligence Services
Bowman Ecker provides extensive due diligence services to companies considering mergers, acquisitions or dispositions. In advance of an M&A transaction, we will provide detailed evaluation and analysis of lease committments and/or owned assets to determine total remaining liability, operating costs and tax considerations, lease and sale options, tenancies, vacancies, competitor and market data, maintenance and repair costs, and return on investment.
Our financial analysts will provide a detailed summary of each property with appropriate recommendations regarding value and retention.